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Important information about Turkey


It is highly recommended to review Turkey’s visa information before visiting foreigners who wish to visit, whatever the reason for the visit. Tourist and commercial visa procedures may differ from work and study visa procedures in any country, and Turkish visa policies also vary from country to country according to inter-country agreements.

Some visa applicants may be exempted if the reason for the visit is tourist or commercial or they can obtain an e-visa, but other applicants who want a work visa or study visa must apply through the Turkish Embassy in their country.

Passport duration

Foreigners wishing to enter Turkey must have a visa, visa exemption or residence granted to them with a passport or documents proving that the passport is valid for at least 60 days

Housing in Turkey

Many universities in Turkey offer campus accommodation to all international students who wish to stay on campus or in state-owned housing, and some students prefer to live in private outdoor accommodation.

The price of meals is not generally added in fees, but there are restaurants where students can eat breakfast and other meals at a relatively low nominal cost of “all fees in Turkish lira” regardless of their nationality.

All foreign students must pay the same amount as Turkish students, in addition to the fact that most Turkish dwellings are separated male and female.


All foreign students receiving their education in Turkey can benefit from public health insurance coverage in Turkey. All government hospitals are used at no charge and can also use private hospitals by paying moderate fees. To take advantage of Turkey’s public health insurance system, you can go to your university’s foreign student office for more information.

Students can go to the Social Security Foundation to apply and when you complete your application, you will pay your public health insurance fees, which are determined on an annual basis within one month of the date of your Social Security records.

If you do not apply for a public health insurance system within the “3 months” time period, you cannot benefit from the state’s public health insurance services. But if students have international health insurance they can use it or can benefit from private health insurance in Turkey. Some universities may also offer a special health insurance policy to their foreign students.

Please also bear in mind that Turkey is known for providing high quality health services at low cost for this reason, many patients from neighbour countries as well as from developed Western countries prefer to come to Turkey for cheaper health treatments for surgery, dental and eye examinations.

Students can benefit from their health insurance in Turkey, and in order not to face any problems we recommend students to conduct regular medical examinations

Climate and temperature in Turkey

Turkey is home to the oldest civilizations in the world and many societies to turkey’s greatest empires and is the cradle of cultures and civilizations connecting Europe and Asia. It is also the capital of civilizations that have ruled Anatolia for centuries.

The climate and weather in Turkey along the Black Sea coast is continental, in Turkey humidity levels can be very high. During winter, especially in December and January, the weather is very cold as temperatures can drop below zero. Weather in Turkey’s capital, Ankara, as well as central Anatolia, cold in winter and dry hot during summer

Turkish currency

The currency is the Turkish lira “TL” can be found ATMs even in the smallest towns of Turkey, most ATMs are accepted with international credit cards or bank cards “usually the brand bar is displayed above the ATM” almost all ATMs have a language key to enable you to read instructions in English or Arabic most businesses accept international credit cards such as Visa and Master Card and American Express.

Turkey Bridge of the World

You have many reasons to come to Turkey because each place has its own spiritual and geographical features that attract a lot of people from all over the world, for example Istanbul is the only city in the world that connects the continents Asia and Europe it is a city located in both Asia and Europe, the capital of many civilizations for thousands of years throughout its history Turkey is more than just a bridge between two continents. In fact, Turkey is a country where East and West meet on a large scale. Turkey has succeeded in blending these two cultures as home to cultural and historical heritage for thousands of years.

Cost of living and study in Turkey

Study and living abroad are another factor to consider as you decide to study abroad. According to Mercer’s global cost of living rankings, Turkey’s major cities are at the bottom of the list of the most expensive cities in the world.

Turkey is the door to the job of your dreams

One of the key questions you’ll ask yourself after graduation is what happens next? Foreign students who graduate from Turkish universities have a lot of options, for example students can choose to continue their education by obtaining a master’s degree and then returning home with a widely accepted certificate that will make it easier for them to find a job either inside or outside Turkey. In addition, foreign students can work part-time on campus while teaching

Turkey is moving towards being one of the world’s leading economies through its developing and developed economy. The number of international brands operating in Turkey with Turkish brands is increasing. The number of international companies operating in Turkey reached 34,000, 50% of these companies from EU countries since Turkey is a favorite country of foreign investors, you can also get the opportunity to work in one of these international companies

Quality of education in Turkey

In the past 10 years, Turkey’s higher education system has developed significantly in terms of quality and quantity and Turkish universities now offer a wide range of options for foreign students and this quality is reflected in the international classification list system according to Times of higher education BRICS and emerging economies.

In addition, 9 Turkish universities have been placed in the top 800 by Quacquarelli Symonds in the UK. English, these programs include medicine, engineering, humanities, business and finance all students can continue their education in other countries through the ECTS system (European balance transfer system) and they can obtain their certificates recognized by other countries

Turkish language

In Turkey, the most common languages used in higher education institutions are: Turkish, English and Arabic there are also some higher education institutions where the language of teaching is German or French but if you apply for an academic program taught in Turkish, you are expected to learn Turkish. Turkish is one of the most popular languages in the world, for foreign students who want to improve their Turkish language, of course Turkey is the best place to do so.

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