About the company

We have become one of the most prominent models of real estate investment companies and investment opportunities in the Turkish market

Years experience

About the company

iLtizam was established in 2013 in the Turkish market. As a result of a strong and diverse public relations network in Turkey and abroad, the growth rate of the company’s business increased, and the company achieved its goals in 2022 by 100%. We have become one of the most prominent models of real estate investment companies and investment opportunities in the Turkish market, and our decision to be present in the Turkish market was by providing new visions and ideas. To serve our customers, by opening many continuous channels of communication with all those interested in our services, we offer a new concept in performance to be the best in the Turkish market through distinguished service for both sides of the market (developers - investors).

Our values

Transparency - Quality - Development – Initiative


To be ranked among the top ten companies in Türkiye in terms of investment and real estate opportunities.


Achieving leadership in the field of real estate investment and investment opportunities in Turkey using innovative means and modern technologies to achieve our clients' expectations.

Our Strategic Objectives

Employing all available resources, linking all procedures and projects clearly to the strategic objectives, and focusing oversight and audits on all procedures to ensure that they achieve the company’s vision and objectives.

and strengthening partnerships with investors and real estate developers, and communicating with them effectively, which contributes to expanding the customer base and increasing co-operation investment opportunities.

Developing operational performance and implementing effective best practices to improve the efficiency of investment management and investment portfolios to rationalize costs and increase profitability.

Building a strong identity our company, distinguishing it from competitors, and building a strong and reliable reputation in the field of real estate investment opportunities by providing innovative services, applying effective marketing strategies, and meeting the needs and expectations of customers.

Working to the highest standards of transparency and compliance, and adhering to all legal and regulatory requirements governing the real estate investment sector in Türkiye